Huwebes, Oktubre 17, 2013


 i  used to eat my breakfast,
 but now, i prefer to eat merienda.

 i used to take medicines,

but now, i prefer to exercise

 i used to drink cold water,
but now i prefer softdrinks.

 i used to draw,
but now. i prefer to write a poem.

i used to eat fish,
but now, i prefer to eat only meat.

i used to play computer games,
but now, i prefer to engage in sports.

i used to read pocketbooks
but now love fantasy books.

i used to wake up early in the morning,
but now waking up too late.

i used to go with someone,
but now, i prefer to be alone.

i used to watch the sunset,
but now, i prefer to watch the stars at night.

i used to buy at the convenience store,
but now, i prefer to buy in the market.

i used to play basketball
but now, i love playing badminton.

i used to judge people,
but now, i prefer to know them first.

i used to be late
but now, i prefer to be on time.

i used to love somebody,
but now, i prefer to love myself first.

i used to stay in the noisy surroundings,
but now, i love staying in a peaceful place.

i used to study mathematics,
but now, i prefer English.

i used to consume junk foods,
but now, i prefer to eat fruits.

i used to wear blouses
but now love wearing t-shirts.

i used to listen to love songs,
but now, love mellow songs.

i used to hang out with friends
but now, i prefer to study hard.

i used to eat breads
but now, i want chocolates.

i used to sing,
but now, i prefer doing artworks.

i used to be in a relationship,
but now, i prefer to be single.

i used to wear raincoat when it rains,
but now, i prefer an umbrella.

i used to learn playing guitar,
but now, i prefer to learn drums.

i used to wear slippers,
but now wearing a sneakers.

i used to stay in the park
but now, i prefer to stay at home.

i used to call
but now, i prefer to text.

i used to attend parties
but now, i prefer to stay home.

i used to loved foreign musics
but now, i prefer OPMs.

i used to eat fatty foods
but now, i prefer to eat nutritious foods.

i used to have a pet dog,
but now, i prefer to have a rabbit.

i used to ride n a vehicle,
but now, i prefer walking

i used to send group messages
but now, i prefer to send personal messages.

i used to watch televisions,
but now, i prefer to listen to the radio.

i used to take down notes,
but now, i prefer to have a photocopy of my lessons.

 I used to ride in a bicycle 
but now, I prefer to ride on a motorcycle.

 I used to read newspapers
 but now, I love reading magazines.

I used to open different kinds of computers application
 but now, I prefer to surf the net.

I used to go home late at night
 but now, I prefer to sleep early.

 I used to search for true love,
 but I prefer to wait it on its right time.

 I used to collect dolls
 but now, I prefer teddy bears.

  I used to color my hair
 but now, I prefer to be in its original color.

  I used to wear shorts
 but now, I prefer to wear pants.

Ø  I used to think of my future
 but now, I prefer to focus on my present.

Ø  I used to explain
 but now, I prefer to stay in my room

Ø  I used to visit to the doctor
but now, I prefer to rest.

Ø  I used to paint
 but now, I love lettering.

Ø  I used to go with someone
  but now, I prefer to be alone.

Ø  I used to watch the sunset
 but now, I prefer to watch the stars at night.

Ø  I used to buy at convenience store 
but now, I prefer to buy at the market.

Ø  I used to play basketball
 but now, I love playing badminton.

Ø  I used to judge people 
but now, I prefer to know them first.

Ø  I used to be late
 but now, I prefer to be on time.

Ø  I used to love somebody
 but now, I prefer to love myself first.

Ø  I used to stay in the noisy surroundings 
but now I love staying in a peaceful place

Ø  I used to study mathematics
 but now, I prefer English.